Rock of Love Mosaic Online Tutorial

In this tutorial you will get step by step video instruction on creating and applying a mosaic heart onto a rock of your choosing. All material and tools needed will be covered as well as design tips. How to apply beads, cut tile, lay out the design and grout will all be included. When completed you will be able to go on to make your own unique designs. Kits which include materials needed are also available.

Rock of Love Mosaic Kit

Make your own Rock of Love Mosaic Heart Rock. Kit contains: beads (colors may vary) tiles, heart cut-out, grout, glue, straight pin, and popcycle sticks. Rock and tools not included. This kit does not include instructions. It’s meant for accompany the video tutorial.


Heather Cota

“This tutorial and kit was so fun!

thanks to Sherri’s soothing voice walking me through each step. Let me address the kit itself first, then the video. This kit is full of gorgeous material. The beads selected were the perfect colors to make this heart design pop! Turquoise, Blues, Aqua—this is my happy place. And the choices had just the right selection of shiny, glittery, flat, dark, light, and size differences. I couldn’t have picked this selection out myself because I tend to go crazy with liking too many different items. Also the kit included everything I needed so I didn’t have to go digging into my other supplies. That’s much appreciated for this busy working mom.

As for the video, this is the first time I have done a craft with a video, but it definitely won’t be my last. I love having the ability to sit by myself at my computer and stop and start, rewind when I need to hear something over again, or watch how her hands are doing the movements. I really liked the part about how to use the round cutter to chop the squares in halves and triangles. That isn’t something I have a lot of experience with so it was helpful to get some tips about how to hold the tile and make the cuts. The hardest part for me was getting the epoxy in the right spot, but she was spot on when she said to only put it on the rock where I want it on the rock. I got a little messy on the two outer rows and the epoxy marks are visibly remaining—that’s user error, not the artist 🫤🤣

But for a beginner I am really impressed with my beautiful rock, and I can’t wait to try again!.”

before grout

messy epoxy

after grout

Sample video

Rock of Love Mosaic Online Tutorial

In this tutorial you will get step by step video instruction on creating and applying a mosaic heart onto a rock of your choosing. All material and tools needed will be covered as well as design tips. How to apply beads, cut tile, lay out the design and grout will all be included. When completed you will be able to go on to make your own unique designs. Kits which include materials needed are also available.